Saturday, December 8, 2012

Silent Night

So still was the night our Savior came

Shepherds heard the Glorious anthem

“Peace on earth,” the Angels sang

“Goodwill toward all men

The Savior of the earth is born

Born to save all mankind”

Oh what glorious night that was

The air was filled with Joy and Peace

A gift so precious came to earth

As the Angels announced our Savior’s birth

“Be not afraid” the Angels said

For The Son of God has come to bruise Satan’s     head

As Promised long ago

“We now announce your Savior’s birth

Make haste and see The Savior lay

In a bed made of hay

In a stall so cold and bare

Follow the star be not afraid

Go see your Precious Savior Dear

Jesus Christ, The Son of God”

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