Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Revelation in Prayer

 Revelation in Prayer

1 Peter 4:12 "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though some strange thing happened to you."
v13 "But rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy."
We must not think for one moment that what we have been called to do, we must not experience it first. This is our training ground. Jesus was made to be acquainted with all our ways, so He could understand our suffering, our pain and our sorrows. We can never give what we do not have.
As we are called to minister to the hurting soul, we too will experience what we will have to share. This is the most effective ministry. One cannot learn this from a book.
Most times we cannot under the source or reason for the sudden storm. It suddenly erupted without warning.
We will suffer betrayal, accusations of all sorts, rejection, deep wounded pain, loneliness, hatred. People will talk falsely about you to try to ruin your integrity. People will not see you as you are, but they will see you through a different lens. Sometimes you do not have to be around them to know, but the Holy Spirit will reveal to you in those quiet moments.
Yes, these are irritations and our "Pearls" are being formed. If you are already wearing a "Pearl," It's being made bigger and beautiful.
During the pain and the questions we must forgive, intercede, humble ourselves, walk in peace and love.
Do not receive the accusation or whatever is thrown in our path. Do not allow dead leaves to fall in our paths. Know the source and it's intentions, and intercede.
It is here that we will receive the anointing and grace to do what we are called to do because the Holy Spirit will take over. Nothing will stop what we have been called to do as long as we release the burdens and heavy weights. We will go no where with the heavy weights. Heavy weights are from the enemy to immobilize and derail us.
Be free in the Holy Spirit as we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of GOD Who sees and knows all and gives the victory.

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