Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Pearl for Today

Press in do not lose Hope.

Sometimes as we aim to spend time with the LORD, we find we have to press in and try very hard to remain focused due to many distractions.  Do not loose heart it is during this time, the Holy Spirit rests upon us to help, to reveal Himself to us and to minister Father’s Word to us. 
The enemy fights with us because he knows the revelation that awaits us and he tries desperately hard to distract us in different ways. Press in and patiently wait for the release of the anointing Father desires to pour out.
Remember the woman with the issue of Blood Luke 8:43-48. She was desperate for her healing so she pressed in through the crowd in desperation, until she was able to touch the hem of Jesus’ garments and yes, she received her healing.
Now press through the distractions and receive your portion for today.

Much Love,
"God's Precious Pearls."

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Pearl For Today

Don't ever regret, be disappointed or think nothing when you've labored in the Kingdom and things didn't go the way you expected.  GOD see our hearts and labor of love.
I heard the Holy Spirit saying this....."Those who sow in tears will reap with with songs of joy.  Those who go out weeping carrying seeds to sow, will return with songs of joy carrying sheaves with them."  Psalm 126:5-6
Your Harvest is on the way.  It has already been prepared and it's abundant.
Be blessed and be encouraged today.
You are GOD's Pearl

Love for all of GOD's Precious Pearls.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Pearl For Today

Pearl For Today

Before we have surgery or a surgical procedure we have anaesthesia or some sort of local anaesthetic that numbs the area....this is a natural anaesthesia.
Do you need a better anaesthesia that takes care of the deepest pain which is of a spiritual nature?
Note: This has a permanent effect.
Rx Prayer qid/prn/HS//unceasingly
Note: This will produce a sweet, comforting and calming effect to our souls. It comes with a powerful anointing, called "Sweet anointing." So sweet and calming that all we can do is rest. This will leave you literally drunk in the Spirit....Just rest.
Matthew 11:28
Side effects: Drunk in the Spirit

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pearl for Today

Pearl for Today


Let Peace flood your heart
Peace is a master Key
It closes the door of your heart to troubles
It opens the door of your heart to hear My voice and receive My blessings
It leads you on the paths of righteousness for My Name's sake
It allows the River of Life to flow through you
Peace is the Key I Am Peace
I Am the Key