Friday, January 28, 2022

Here I am LORD


To the sons and daughters of the King of Kings, I am inspired to encourage you in the Lord today.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

 I was led to my journal today and came upon a word of prophesy that was given to me some time ago. These words truly blessed and encouraged me. We need to be encouraged daily and be reminded of words and encouragement from the LORD.

 In life as we serve the LORD, we will experience many adversities. We should not allow them to destroy us but grow from them to the glory of GOD.

The Pearl within the oyster is made through irritants, whether a grain of sand or a parasite. An enzyme is secreted over this irritant repeatedly and it is from this, the beautiful Pearl is formed. We too should be changed from glory to glory through the many challenges we face. This enzyme nacre, is very symbolic to the Holy Spirit.  Allow the Holy Spirit to cover you, protect you, and see you through the process. In the end we will see the fruit of the mighty hand of GOD and the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives to His glory.

These words were only a confirmation of what Holy Spirit had spoken to me. When a word has been spoken to you, it should not be new, but as we walk and fellowship with the LORD, He will reveal Himself to us and He will speak to our hearts.

 I give thanks to the LORD for the manifestation of these words, and may He alone be glorified. These are the words:

  • ·          The LORD says He has not forgotten me, but He is removing some obstacles out of the way.
  • ·         There have been some hindrances and He has to move them.
  • ·         Many want me to do this and that, but He has not called me to do that, He has called me to slay Goliaths.
  • ·         There is a powerful anointing on my life that I do not have to say anything, His presence in me changes things.
  • ·         I was once involved in prayer, but that was changed, and He is restoring that.
  • ·         He is raising me up like a Martin Luther to speak without reservation or fear….an anointing also for racial reconciliation.
  • ·         I have wept and labored for those in difficult situation.
  • ·         GOD has placed a Crown on my head, and He sings over me always.
  • ·         He delights in me.
  • ·         Some arrows have been sent out to take me out, but the LORD has been my Shield and He protected me from them.
  • ·         GOD is going to open the River from Heaven above me, and it will no longer be a trickle, but an outpouring from Heaven.
  • ·         My latter days will be greater than my former. (confirmation…said over and over by the Holy Spirit)

 My Precious sisters in GPP Warrior Bride, can testify to the River of GOD pouring over us as we meet for prayer.

Yes, I know the arrows that have been sent, but GOD always protected me from them.

Know and recognize the Crown the LORD has place upon your head.

I have accepted and chose to walk in His promise to be a “Mother of Zion,” in my latter years, hence I call myself “Mother Pearl” to His glory.

 As the LORD raises us up for His glory, know and recognize the change in the atmosphere, everything, and everyone around us, because of the Light of His presence within us. I am so aware of that. We do not have to say anything.  His anointing within us does that mighty work. If you are persecuted or ridiculed, remember 2 Corinthians 2:16 “To the one we are the aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life and what is equal to such a task?”

I have lost friends from Facebook because, “they do now want to see what I post.” Unfortunately to them, you are the “aroma of death.” Keep praying for them anyway.

 In these dark days we are living in, the Holy Spirit has equipped and continues to equip us to be bearers of His Light, the very atmosphere and everything will be changed around us, without us even saying anything….Just trust His anointing and His presence within us.

I pray as you read this your hearts will be stirred to encouragement in the LORD, your soul will be lifted to praise and honor to our Heavenly Father, the Mighty King of Kings, King Jesus and Precious Holy Spirit, our Teacher, Counsellor and Guide.

Let’s treasure and appreciate the promises spoken to us and walk in them to the glory of GOD.

I pray that those who do not know the LORD, will give Him their hearts and receive the gift of eternal life, through His  finished work on the Cross for our sins and redemption.

 With love, blessings, and prayers.

 Mother Pear.

“Mother of Zion”