Monday, July 15, 2013

June 1, 2013
From the Desk of “God’s Precious Pearls.”
Have you sometimes felt as though you are out of Father’s will and you cannot hear Him speaking?
As God’s special child and His “Precious Pearls” He has not left you…..He is very near…much closer than you think.  He is also speaking, but our busy schedules have taken the place of not being able to hear His soft and gentle voice.  He is still speaking and as soon as our souls become still, we will again hear Him speaking……..He delights in us because as His “Pearls,” we are not only beautiful on the outside, but mightily beautiful on the inside.  Our outward beauty is only a reflection of our inside.
Inside, we have a Heart of Gold which is pleasing to The LORD.  This Heart of Gold always glorifies Him, even when we are not actively aware of it, because that is our lifestyles and that is what a Heart of Gold does.  Many may think we glorify Him by worshiping Him or doing things for Him or working in the Kingdom.  Sometimes this demonstrates “self worship” and brings attention to ourselves instead of to Him….He does not share His Glory with anyone…Isaiah 42:8.
It is the heart of Gold….a pure heart that is always in a state of glorifying Him.  He delights in that and our lives then become a sweet smelling fragrance to Him. This is the fragrance that draws others to Him through us……Here we are bringing Him Glory.
Guard this Heart of Gold well.  Do not allow anything or anyone to tarnish it.  A real “Pearl” is a reflection of a “Heart of Gold.”
Be still always and know that He is GOD……For a while during my busy schedule this has been my reflection. At times I felt spiritually malnourished, until in a moment of stillness this morning, Father spoke these words of inspiration to me.  These were words of comfort and strength encouraged and revived my soul, when I heard His gentle voice speaking to me……………”You are my Pearl, because you have a Heart of Gold.  I have not forsaken you.  I am always speaking, but you have been too busy to hear Me.  I am with you because your heart always glorifies me in all that you do. I promised never to leave nor forsake you, I am always with you because your Heart of Gold always glorifies me even when you are not actively aware of it…Your lifestyle glorifies Me. It is not what you do that brings me Glory as that sometimes brings ‘self glory’.  I do not share My Glory with anyone. You can only hear me when your soul is at rest.”
I do not boast in this, I feel led as an encourager and “God’s Precious Pearls, to share this with you as we strive for Holiness and our daily efforts to be His “Pearls.”
Let us continue to encourage each other as long as it is called today…Hebrews 3:13.  Strive for a heart of Gold that will always produce a sweet fragrance of worship to the LORD, so He can dwell among us.  This is a place of safety.
God's Precious Pearls

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